Instructions for Sunday Check-in

  • Make sure ALL the following paperwork is complete before check-in:

    • Payment (all balances should be completed at least 3 weeks before camp)

    • Confirmation Information

  • Please make sure your child has had a good lunch before campers are dropped off.

  • Please make every attempt to arrive on time. The campers will play on Sunday afternoon right after check-in. Groups will be set first so attendance is necessary to place campers in the correct groups.

  • Please make contact ahead of time for roommate requests no later than 2 weeks before camp begins. We will be more than happy to make these accommodations in advance. If a roommate request is made inside of two weeks before the session begins, the request might not be able to be filled.

  • Campers will need to check-in at registration from 11:30am-2:00pm on Sunday at the Cambridge of College Station. Orientation will begin at 2:15pm after campers have checked-in.

  • Materials provided at check-in:

    • Emergency contact information

    • Camp itinerary (Session copy)

    • Camp Store bank registration